The singers called it the Field of Fire.
The result is often performances that come across as stilted, what one American singer called "stand up and deliver your aria" singing.
One of her many activities included a stint as a singer with a group called the Rank and File in the early 1980s.
The singer called the record "the only thing I've recorded that I'm not unhappy with."
The vocal writing is mostly of the kind that leads singers to call modern opera "ungrateful."
At 32, the singer now calls Nashville home, but her connections to the Island remain strong.
The sand paintings are the second part, the means by which the singer calls the deities so they will come and cure the patient.
The singer and actress Courtney Love called in 2001.
Right in the middle of his range is what classical singers would call a gaping break.
On Sandy, when a singer calls his loved one "pretty mama," he generally means just that.