Lead singer Bono reasserted the song's anti-sectarian-violence message to his audience for many years.
The song has a bluesy rhythm and features lead singer Bono on harmonica.
The lyrics, written by lead singer Bono, continue the pattern of stating things he doesn't believe in.
Down the street, the singer Bono is sipping cappuccino in an outdoor cafe.
Lead singer Bono's vocals inspired everyone in the studio, particularly after he had been suffering from vocal problems for the previous few years.
Lead singer Bono had read both novels and wanted to try and write "a story in the mind of a killer".
Lead singer Bono said of the new relationship, "I'm very excited about this.
He became very close friends with lead singer Bono and served as a roadie for the group.
Lead singer Bono wrote the lyrics in one night and they were revised just once after that.
Lead singer Bono described the song as being about dependance and heroin addiction.