But Gildoran was thinking of the singed fur of the Poohbear, the burnt and blackened sandal on Gilmarina's tiny foot, Gilmerritt's ruined hand.
A trio of lions with singed fur, having been coaxed by Mr. Hoover to leap through rings of fire at a circus, attest to the efficacy of his thinking.
Instead of burned flesh and singed fur, he noted the gleam of metal, lengths of discolored wiring, items of half-melted plastic and hard glass he had never encountered before.
A tiny wisp of blue smoke curled up from the five-millimetre circle of singed fur.
As the mage moved through the night, he saw a number of gibberer bodies on the ground and could smell the stink of singed fur.
At the same time, the stench of singed fur also rose up from the spot.
The soft-coated Wheaten Terrier tumbled backward head- over-heels and lay still, smoke rising lazily from his singed fur.
Yet apart from a few small patches of singed fur that never grew back and the fact that her ears had to be clipped, Scarlett looks quite healthy and is pushing a plump 16 pounds.
But on the fourth she struck one of the hapless hybrids at the base of its twisted spine, and the odor of singed fur drifted toward them.
When the bear he fought earlier rushes past with singed fur, Lad chews through his rope and follows the other animals of the forest to sit in a nearby lake.