Sarah sings solo, accompanied by guitar and begins the performance with a short dedication.
For the final round of this stage of the competition, the contestants sang solo one more time.
So you're singing solo now?
Occasionally, bafflingly, an acoustic guitarist sings solo, as if to parody the token "light and shade" moments of a stadium rock gig.
Home run hitters sing solo, but r.b.i. leaders need a chorus of base runners.
Sometimes they sing solo, sometimes duets.
Barely able to walk she would chant along, and at ten years old she sang already solo.
At first they sang solo, but soon each line roared by the veterans was echoed back by the line of campaign workers.
When she sings solo, her voice is quite affecting.
"I was 12, and singing in a community choir in Saginaw that made an independent record on which I sang solo," she recalls.