New Orleans was more liberal than many southern cities, and on Sundays African slaves gathered to sing folk songs, play traditional music, and dance.
At many services, most parish members remain in the outer ring, where debteras sing hymns and dance.
They sing songs, dance and act.
Its really great - we sing dance and read off scripts!
They are limited to two color combinations (pink & yellow and purple & green) so far, and can sing three new songs and dance.
Finale Players come out to sing the final song and dance, also doing voiceover as to what the theater patrons are really thinking about the experience.
After that people usually sing songs, dance and at the end of the day they burn the doll.
No one else will sing those songs, nor dance, nor smile that smile, because one less one is none.
I can sing a bit and dance, but I would get few parts if I were not, because I'm no better than a third-rate actress.
She could sing as well as dance, as evinced by her recording of "Believe Me" (1930).