The boys choir and the girls choir (each 16 strong) sing alternate daily Evensong and Sunday Matins and Eucharist services throughout the school year.
The choir sings Evensong in the chapel during term.
The College Choir, on the other hand, is always a student run society, and sings Evensong once a week in term time.
The Singers, a choir open from Year 10, regularly goes on choir tours in Europe, and sometimes sings Evensong at Ely Cathedral.
There is a choir of junior girls, aged 10 - 12, that sings Evensong monthly and serves as a feeder choir for the main girls' choir.
Sunday through Thursday, the Cathedral Choirs sing Evensong.
The men also sing Evensong on Thursdays by themselves.
Music The church supports a strong choral tradition with a choir of adults and children who sing Anglican Matins, Evensong and Communion.
Each year, the choir visits churches in the diocese and sing Evensong.
The St Michael's Choir and organists visit other churches to sing Evensong including several visits to Rochester Cathedral.