Her tone was one that denoted a sincere believer.
Maybe sincere believers would take it as a compliment if navy diplomats co-opted Vodun rites to suck up to aliens.
"Without making ostentatious professions of religion, he was a sincere believer in the Christian faith, and a truly devout man."
We say that the sincere believer has no right to vote, simply because he has voted.
Many sincere believers had questioned his teaching that Antichrist would actually die from a wound to the head.
In such cases, love of truth must move the sincere believer to "reprobate" that community.
A sincere believer in the flat earth theory does not know that the Earth is flat.
Besides all of them were sincere believers and they were ready to do everything for their faith.
Some of the marchers were fanatics; others looked less rabid; they seemed sincere believers in their cause.
Though Julian might be a sincere believer, it seemed he was willing to let others possess beliefs of their own.