Miss F, a London student, is now in her first relationship since the assault.
She's been hospitalized since the assault, and they discontinued life support just a little while ago.
The plan would make the insurers the second major industry, after the airlines, to receive emergency government aid since the assault.
No one can look at Orryx more than a few seconds since the first assault, the eyes of anyone who looks sore and watery.
This was easily the best entertainment anyone had had since the failed assault.
Since the assault in 1973, she has been in a vegetative state.
It had been more than a week since the brutal assault on a woman in Central Park.
In his first lengthy interview of any kind since the assault, Phillips did not discuss it.
The explosions were the first attack on the city since the traumatic November 2008 assault that left 166 dead.
It had been six weeks since the last assault.