He shouted for the first time since the aftermath in the conference chamber.
There they expect to encounter new phenomena not seen since the immediate aftermath of the big bang.
This happened for the first time since the aftermath of the Battle of Cannae two centuries earlier.
There has probably not been as much concentrated new construction in the City since the aftermath of the Great Fire in 1666.
There are, on average, 3 Engine Companies out of service daily since the aftermath of hurricane Katrina.
August 10: Central banks coordinate efforts to increase liquidity for first time since the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
Most of them had settled here since the aftermath of heavy weather.
Museum supporters are pitching the community center as the largest outreach effort since the aftermath of the 1991 Crown Heights disturbances.
Gold, which languished near $250 an ounce in 2001, touched $476.30 last month, its highest level since the aftermath of the 1987 stock market crash.
Air traffic has picked up considerably since the immediate aftermath of Sept. 11, under a new set of stringent security measures.