Examples: She had not been home since her parents divorced.
Since his parents needed support early in Arany's life, he began working at the age of 14 as an associate teacher.
More than 30 years had passed since my parents brought our family here for a long weekend similar to the one I was now leading.
This date seemed to make sense since her parents married the previous year.
A kid at school is having a massive party this Saturday since his parents are out of town.
A high school student in the care of his older sister ever since their parents died.
As far as he knew, no one had slept in either bed since his mother's parents died.
Every year since then his parents have gifted him an instrument.
And, for the first time since her parents died, she felt a memory deep inside from a place far away.
Since his parents worked in the plantation area, there were not many educational opportunities.