In its conference call, Cyberonics said that 200 depression patients had received the device since its approval.
The company said the drug had been used by more than four million women since its approval in 1980 and few had reported major side effects.
The therapy has grown quickly, with more than 600,000 patients treated since its approval.
So far, only about 48,000 people have received defibrillators since their Federal approval in 1985.
A ballot initiative to do that, Proposition 187, has been blocked by legal challenges since its approval in 1994.
Since its approval, many public-access television centers have closed as a result of the opt-out provision.
As a result, as many as 600,000 patients have been treated with the drug since its approval in 2001.
Safety has been further undermined since the drug's approval.
The project has been split into two phases since its approval in 2003.
Since its approval in 2004, an estimated 30 million people have used Cymbalta.