"But it's been three hundred years since contact!"
Psionic indices had not been spoken of publicly in over three centuries, since first contact with Earth.
Indonesia has been absorbing many aspects of Indian culture since mutual contact almost two millennia ago.
They have been a constant target of Christian missionaries since initial contact in the late 17th century.
They've been trying to find out about us ever since first contact, of course, but without any success.
"So add in time to modify the Flyer, we're looking at four hours total since last contact."
Already, large numbers had died since first contact with whites, principally from disease.
She had been wrestling with the decision for two days now, ever since first contact.
As to why any human language...since first contact there have been more humans living here all the time.
They have progressed from paleolithic to industrial age in the two centuries since contact with humanity.