I find it difficult to move the cursor into position while simultaneously trying to judge when the ball is over the plate.
Despite all this, he was simultaneously but unsuccessfully trying to become a professional musician.
Meanwhile, local hospitals are simultaneously trying a variety of approaches to see what works.
"We're trying to work out a bunch of things simultaneously," one negotiator said between sessions.
I was trying simultaneously to hold his gaze and to scan the ground nearby for anything that might be used as a weapon.
She could see his mind working, trying simultaneously to decipher and deny.
The problem: So many people were simultaneously trying to read a scrap of news that had flashed across the monitors.
He quickly filled his first officer in on the situation, while simultaneously trying to come up with a workable solution.
I moved slowly, trying simultaneously to make sure none of the other residents surprised us, and that Wade didn't have an opportunity to escape.
Theodore was trying simultaneously to counter this and other perceived threats.