She opened her eyes, simultaneously recognizing her approximate location and Mary, the redheaded maid who had helped her the last time she was here.
The postal authorities recognized there must be a method for preventing reuse of the stamps and simultaneously issued hand stamps for use to apply cancellations to the stamps on the envelopes as they passed through the postal system.
Although Irish culture gave more authority to husbands and fathers, it simultaneously recognized female power.
Let's deny ourselves yet another excuse for hating one another by de-emphasizing our differences, even as we simultaneously recognize and respect them.
Instantly a warrior barred his way and simultaneously the fellow recognized him.
This gives the impression of simultaneously recognizing something familiar and being surprised in hearing something slightly distorted about it.
In a book published in 1977, he wrote that Israel should declare its readiness to recognize Palestinian rights and negotiate with the P.L.O. if the Palestinians simultaneously recognized Israel's legitimacy.
In the Middle Ages, the church simultaneously recognised Saint Anne (Jesus' grandmother) had seven different heads.
The filter works in a manner that it identifies excessive amounts of revealed skin while simultaneously recognizes faces as appropriate.
The agents and the outlaw simultaneously recognized each other and after several U-turns by both vehicles, Nelson wound up in pursuit of the agents's car.