Accepted and simultaneously placed in service on 22 August 1916, she spent almost a decade operating in the 12th Naval District.
Additionally, two figures can be placed on the portal simultaneously, for cooperative or versus play.
The plates were taken out to the patio and all 13, if possible, would be placed on the ground simultaneously.
She was decommissioned there on 1 September and simultaneously placed in service.
The fourth and fifth pillars must be placed simultaneously.
Decommissioned on 9 October 1947, Wilkes-Barre was simultaneously placed in reserve at Philadelphia.
Other methods for testing include different weights being placed in each hand simultaneously, or having the patient pick up each weight using a fingertip grip.
Orders for these two classes were placed simultaneously with Vulcan Foundry of Newton-le-Willows in England.
Many cultivars placed in other categories are simultaneously placed in this one.
However, unless the three key pieces are simultaneously placed into position, you will not be granted access.