He grabbed simultaneously for the paperback on the nightstand and a throw-blanket to cover himself with, then assumed a posture of reading.
As Brion toppled and slid from the saddle, Ewan and Rogier grabbed simultaneously for his arms and somehow managed to ease him to the ground between them.
He simultaneously grabbed the man's hair and right wrist, crashing his left knee into the gunman's rib cage with enormous force.
The assassin simultaneously grabbed the weapon and tore the cloth from his mouth, coughing and spitting out saliva as a savage burst of gunfire tore leaves and branches all along the wall.
The song then stayed as Mutizen Song for three weeks on the same program, also simultaneously grabbing two top awards from M.NET's M!
"Then you two can lower me on a rope from the airvents, where I'll try to stop a single drop of sweat from falling to the ridiculously overprotected floor and simultaneously grab the NOC list."
MacKinnon ducked and grabbed simultaneously.
Atal and Picard grabbed for it simultaneously.
In a blinding display of speed and coordination, it changed its grip on Stacy, flipping her so that she dangled upside down while simultaneously grabbing her left ankle.
When Mankind tried to perform a mandible claw on Venis, he retaliated by simultaneously grabbing Mankind's crotch.