But to increase the number of advisers while simultaneously decreasing the number of combat brigades is a recipe for disaster.
If all universities simultaneously decreased their performance by reducing their expenditure on staffing then, in practice, they were all potentially in a better financial position.
Greenness and photochemical efficiency decreased simultaneously after ethylene treatment, suggesting that changes in chlorophyll fluorescence were responsible for the patterns of de-greening.
External longitudinal fluting that contributes to heat dissipation by increasing surface area, while simultaneously decreasing the weight of the barrel, is sometimes used on sniper-rifle barrels.
This releases the carbon stored in the former land cover type and simultaneously decreases the biosphere's ability to absorb carbon from the atmosphere.
As Britain moved away from its traditionally agricultural industry Scaleby's population decreased simultaneously.
This can be caused by poor crystallization, which simultaneously decreases the size of reflective crystals and opacifies the surrounding glass with non reflective particles.
For example, a teacher may have a positive societal image (respect, prestige) which increases their status but may earn little money, which simultaneously decreases their status.
During the Iran-Iraq War Iraq's oil-exporting capabilities decreased, and the price for oil decreased simultaneously.
This is the only tax reform act in history to simultaneously decrease top marginal income tax rates and increase the bottom marginal income tax rates.