For example, a researcher who wants to amplify a gene by Polymerase chain reaction may simultaneously amplify a pseudogene that shares similar sequences.
The Digital polymerase chain reaction simultaneously amplifies thousands of samples, each in a separate droplet within an emulsion.
Jungen writes: "It was interesting to see how by simply manipulating the Air Jordan shoes you could evoke specific cultural traditions whilst simultaneously amplifying the process of cultural corruption and assimilation.
It is a process in which the spectrum of an optical pulse is mapped by large group-velocity dispersion into a slowed down temporal waveform and amplified simultaneously by the process of stimulated Raman scattering.
But he leaves us with a moving portrayal of a man simultaneously amplified and destroyed by his own ambition.
In the process, it simultaneously amplifies and shatters, confirms and destabilizes whatever Shangri-La realness is, much in the way that Ms. Chang's earlier pieces, with their carefully staged acts of nervy self-absorption, confused any easy reading of her persona as an Asian-American woman and artist.
Measuring by correlating linear motion to rotary motion (and simultaneously amplifying it), as in a micrometer.