She maintains simultaneous appointments as an instructor with the Swinburne University of Technology in Australia as part of their astronomical distance learning program.
Her initial appointment was for three years, and she holds a simultaneous appointment as full professor in the College of Business.
The appointment appeared stranger still after his simultaneous appointment, in 1960, to the board of BMW in Munich, his more recent political power base and by now his adopted home city.
These simultaneous appointments made Ushery in effect "the face" of WNBC during the weekend, anchoring all the station's morning and evening newscasts on Saturday and Sunday.
When he was twenty-five, he joined Pump Station One with the print on his own doctoral dissertation still fresh and accepted a simultaneous appointment on the Physics faculty of the university.
From 1955 to 1958, he held a simultaneous appointment the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine as a Senior Research Associate in Pediatrics and Surgery.
In 1970 he was appointed Acting Minister of Trade and Industry, acting for Minister Sapir who remained active in his simultaneous appointment as Minister of Finance.
They were referring to their nearly simultaneous but entirely unconnected appointments in 1985 to the helms of two of the most enduring and prestigious music institutions in the county.
In 1976, Bernd Becher started teaching photography at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf (policy matters prevented Hilla's simultaneous appointment), where he remained on the faculty until 1996.
He went in 1999 to Princeton University, where he became the Ralph W. Dornte professor for chemistry with a simultaneous appointment at the Material Sciences Institute of the university.