They are, in fact, examples of the way that film can cover simultaneous but separate activities through the intercutting of parallel action.
The pool's configuration is flexible with a moveable bulkhead which allows for simultaneous activities.
Cases with bilateral involvement have not indicated simultaneous activity.
Multielectrode recording - The use of a bundle of fine electrodes to record the simultaneous activity of up to hundreds of neurons.
The presence of an edge, signalled by simultaneous activity in the two cells, is detected by the AND-gate.
Inside the building there is a large lobby space that can house a number of simultaneous activities.
Though his simultaneous activities with the "Swifties" and the 2004 Bush Campaign could be considered questionable, his activities were not illegal.
Yet for all the simultaneous activities, there appeared to be no sensory overload.
Gone forever are those boring, one-dimensional interludes when we sat and read a book, bereft of the garnish of five simultaneous activities.
The heightened value towards observation allows children to multi-task in actively engage in simultaneous activities.