During the last 540 million years, simulations demonstrated that such an impact rate is sufficient to cause 5-6 mass extinctions and 20-30 lower severity events.
Further experiments and simulations demonstrated that this process could be dramatically improved by using shorter wavelengths of laser light.
Various simulations have demonstrated that the merger of embryos in the inner part of the protoplanetary disk leads to the formation of a few Earth-sized bodies.
Numerical simulations of globular clusters have demonstrated that binaries can hinder and even reverse the process of core collapse in globular clusters.
CD-ROM-based simulations demonstrate herd immunity and the effectiveness of vaccination programs.
Although speculative as to whether or not a shuttle could survive the end of the mission, simulations had demonstrated conclusively that the pods could not.
The simulation, which provides confirmation of the physics model implemented, demonstrates features that can be difficult to identify algorithmically but are easily found when watching the visualization.
Numerical simulations demonstrate a tendency for Born rule distributions to arise spontaneously at short time scales.
The simulations demonstrated that while most of the NBC infrastructure had been indeed destroyed by the strikes, less than half of the B-2 force would make it home again.
Additionally, simulation demonstrated that the proposed planetary configuration was stable.