As you can see," the CO commented calmly, "it's actually quicker to simply wade through this obstacle than to stand in line for a rope.
In fact, Hall and I were initially unsure about simply wading across the pool we had chosen to fish.
When that wasn't very effective, they simply waded into the lake, and came out green.
Anyone who wants to feel even closer to nature can simply wade into the water at the main beach, which is protected by coral reefs just offshore.
But many do not have the necessary papers, and they simply wade across the fetid stream that is the Rio Grande.
Thousands each year took the long plunge off the bridge, and thousands more simply waded into the water.
Soon the guts of facts are everywhere, the imagination is simply wading through them.
Of whom was it said: 'Old politicians never die, they simply wade away'.
A chaotic scene unfolds with Polanco's girlfriend and others on the shore trying to "rescue" them, as they steadfastly refuse to simply wade back across.
The Libyan custom is to simply wade into traffic, index finger of one hand raised above shoulder height.