The emission-line features may be intrinsically absent or simply swamped by the additional variable component.
A big part of Mrs. Dole's woes may be beyond her control: she is simply swamped by Mr. Bush.
The buy orders from the index arbitragers were simply swamped by sell orders from people who, for whatever reason, thought now was a great time to get out.
The pro devolution side was simply swamped.
But here it is simply swamped by shtick, reduced to the level of soundtrack.
There was something "wonderful" in this spectacle, a kind of perverse, malign poetry that had simply swamped the imaginations of these people.
My patience is wearing a bit thin, and I am simply swamped with other engagements to attend to.
But the waiting room outside had all its benches full of people waiting for treatment, and I could see from the neck-bands that some of them were Full Medical too; the hospital was simply swamped.