The town simply supplies the table, mat or board.
"I simply supply a consumer need, just like you," Dell said.
My explanations that at the time I had understood nothing made no difference to him; he simply supplied his own scenario.
Wouldn't it be more beneficial to the contestants if they had to define each word instead of simply supplying the correct spelling?
The state simply supplies price information to pharmacies.
"Care" could be in the form of providing a meal, essentially adopting the child, or simply supplying guidance.
Simply supplying more low grade coal than a fireman could do by hand did not provide efficient burning.
However, it may not be enough to simply supply source code.
They told me, Andy's eyes getting bigger all the time-I simply supplied leading questions.
We believe that for a very sizable portion of those who are homeless, the answer is not simply supplying them with a home.