Tubby's shrink tells him he's simply suffering from low self-esteem.
And what if you are simply suffering from a delusion?
Yet there is a lingering sense that Europe simply suffers a time lag.
They simply suffered from irrational exuberance - and would have done the same regardless.
Was he really simply suffering from paranoia, delusions of self-importance?
Instead, they may simply suffer through the next few years with depressed earnings because their bond investments pay interest rates that are below market.
A: Chances are, you don't have bad breath and are simply suffering from an anxiety many of us share.
People who eat quickly can suffer from digestion problems or simply just eat more than they need.
Picard wanted to believe that Hjatyn was simply suffering from the pressures of his office.
The woman wasn't simply suffering from having rubble fall on her, although certainly that would have been enough for anyone.