Anybody who believes that management was simply stalling and did not have a plan to strengthen the company could get out.
Joe realizes that Applegate is simply stalling to keep him from meeting his 9 o'clock deadline.
Personal calls he simply stalled on the excuse that the lines were needed for priority long distance calls.
He was simply stalling for time, hoping that Beak would say more.
Could she simply stall for time in the hopes of rescue?
They will simply stall if they do not agree with the course the director sets.
Mr. Reid said the critics were simply stalling and would never be satisfied.
He was simply stalling for time, waiting for Baldwin to offer an opening.
The administration is simply stalling for time until the next election, when it can dump the whole mess in the Democrats' laps.
In fact, much of the Watergate cover-up was simply stalling.