His reputation for unorthodox treatment of his men continued to grow, making it his business to reform recalcitrant sailors rather than simply punishing them.
Is success simply punishing the Serbs?
Don't simply punish the child for cheating.
However, solutions will require more than simply punishing drug-using mothers or placing addicts on notice that they have a responsibility to seek treatment.
Or do we simply punish our children publicly because we resent living in an entertainment nation co-opted by the tastes and buying patterns of teenagers?
Kids like Anton don't stop becoming a problem if you simply punish them.
There is new pressure from Republican lawmakers to overthrow Mr. Hussein rather than simply punish him.
These G forces are simply punishing.
"It will simply punish Lilco ratepayers and shareholders for putting safety ahead of nuclear power."
Rather than simply punishing the one who has broken the rules, we also need to help them to get back on the straight-and-narrow.