They could simply override any vetoes of Mr. Gulotta's, so their actions stood.
Ronchamp simply overrides these criticisms with its effortless grace.
No one argued with Andy; he simply overrode anyone who tried.
Whenever he was denied anything, he simply overrode it by refusing to accept any answer contrary to the one he wanted.
Nor can the government simply override opposition.
One transit fare simply overrides the other 3 when paying at any machine in a similar fashion to PayPass.
It's as if something in her mind simply overrode the body's autonomic system and shut down her entire nervous system.
Many would-be reformers hold that "true" reform must simply override those fears.
Someone-someone with impressive authority-had simply overridden the Navy's broadcast with their own.
Mengred simply overrode her command, informing her to prepare a science bay for medical work.