Nor have they simply opted books that people are more likely to remember thanks to more recent publication.
Other times a hobbyist will opt to scratchbuild simply for the challenge.
Those looking for capital growth should simply opt to reinvest dividend payments.
Some city people simply opt to drive old clunkers that they consider unlikely to be stolen.
Other funds, to avoid even the appearance of having a trading edge, simply opt to receive only public information.
She hung up without leaving a message, opting simply to wait until lunch tomorrow to disclose her finding.
"In some cases, the survey showed that the problems were so severe that students simply opted not to go to school."
Scholars continue to employ both terms, some simply opting to reproduce the German word.
Or cell phone users could simply opt to have shorter conversations, which would lower their exposure to radio waves.
In the great majority of cases, though, they would simply opt for Mary and John Smith.