The accusation that an individual must prove four generations of maternal Jewish descent to attain such a lease is simply ludicrous.
The idea that he knew anything that could actually be of any threat to national security as a "spy" is simply ludicrous.
The administration's second reason - to make the process more "orderly" - is simply ludicrous.
But it also said that claims that the bombing was no accident are "simply ludicrous," since "Nato stood only to lose by its action."
As for the charge that he is dangerous, he calls it simply ludicrous.
The idea of sitting down to a job of literary criticism is simply ludicrous.
Some of the incidents were simply ludicrous.
A scene showing the luxurious life of lightweights in space was simply ludicrous.
The prospect of tracking down the copyright - with any certainty - of the roughly 25 million orphaned books is simply ludicrous.
The university says this is simply ludicrous, that the council is and always has been simply a committee of the university.