Who is on stage in relation to the text "tells" the story but never simply illustrates it.
Describing the etymology of the word kinanthropometry can help illustrate simply what you are going to talk about.
The results simply illustrate that we know very little about what's going on out there.
That simply illustrates yet again the inequality and double standard which we employ in the treatment of road versus rail.
Much of the time they simply illustrate what the narrator has chosen to report.
Did our tasting simply illustrate the ordinary growing pains of a very young wine region trying to find itself?
The last example simply illustrates the man's point.
This specific situation, however, simply illustrates the impact of scheduling and editing considerations in marketing a television series to global territories.
The table simply illustrates the range of policies which have been introduced.
First of all, these votes simply illustrate how powerless this Parliament really is.