Became a gentle breeze, which simply glided slowly forward, as if content to do no more than rustle the meadows and the flowers in the field.
I anticipated a quick response, but the car simply glided forward.
The supernovae data are not overwhelming evidence for an accelerating universe expansion which may be simply gliding.
If it stopped flapping, the movement suggested, it would simply glide to a halt.
Whatever the legs were doing below, up top the creature simply glided as though riding on an air cushion.
Drawing on his encyclopedic knowledge of American League hitters, he would simply glide into position, making the most challenging plays appear routine.
He simply glided over the blood-colored snow, picking up speed that was all the more eerie for its silence.
He had selected a relatively flat stretch of roadway so that when the driver fainted, the van would simply glide to a stop.
If she somehow got in front of him, she could simply glide pretty much as he was and wait.
They were now simply gliding forward along the track.