More is at stake than simply erasing Boeing's dubious record in sideline businesses.
If he stepped out of line, Ames would simply erase him and find another cat's paw.
If anyone was against them, they could simply erase their profile.
Since nearly all had electricity, they were easy to spot, and once identified, the computer simply erased them electronically.
That earned me a hurt expression, which I erased simply enough by scratching his head.
There were ten messages on her answering machine, which she simply erased without listening to.
Semerkhet simply erased Adjib's name and replaced it with his own.
You simply erased one date and put in another, to make the letter appear recent.
In many cases, they simply erase the hard drive and get rid of the computer without ever knowing what was on it.
It does not simply erase memory like the movie counterpart does.