The carrier had a large plastic container strapped to his back that he emptied simply by bending at the waist.
He spent about two weeks simply emptying his mind.
They simply emptied their full packs inside the Ice Caves and retreated as quickly as was practicable.
When they returned to camp, she simply emptied her capacious trouser legs, placing russet fruit after russet fruit onto the meal wagon tailgate, grinning as she did so until Porabji, who had begun by scowling at her, had to grin in return.
The vintage rail car toilets simply emptied their contents onto the tracks below, and passengers were asked not to flush while the train was stopped in the stations at Willits and Eureka.
At that point, with counterspy procedures focused on the new recruits, they simply emptied the warehouse.
Some of the mercenaries attempted to fight-when they later found the paychests in one of the wagons, they understood why-but the Nostori simply emptied their arquebuses and calivers and ran.
At one point, I simply emptied an entire clip into both an innocent bystander and gang member.
The combined sewers simply emptied into the harbour from dozens of outfalls at the bottom of each street that met the waterfront.
Not long ago, New York officers' idea of target practice was to line up, 50 or so at a time, and simply empty their guns at stationary paper targets three yards away.