But in a written statement to Parliament today, Mr. Straw made it clear that it had not been a case of simply ejecting unwanted people from the country.
For example, a thief (perhaps knowing how the card works) could simply eject the whining card and toss it into the Hudson.
For the most part, the police simply eject violators from the subways.
As it is powered by an independent source, the gun simply ejects the defective round along with the rest of the cartridges while continuing to operate.
A building's owner makes the rules, and can simply eject or ban any resident he or she wishes to, with or without cause.
The few times he received visits from journalists desiring inside gossip about his son, he simply ejected them, always silently, and never with unnecessary force.
The ship isn't able to make the saucer separation in case of emergency, instead, it simply ejects the warp core.
They certainly did take their information seriously, but if that warranted a death sentence, why didn't they simply eject him into space and get it over with?
There were many people who simply couldn't take it, couldn't let any part of themselves go, and them the training suits would simply eject.
Instead, it was much easier and quicker to simply manually eject the clip, and insert a fresh one, which is how the rifle was originally designed to be operated.