In addition, thousands of residents simply disregard the summonses and are never pursued.
For the last two years they simply disregard requests to pay invoices for the support service provided.
The electronic system simply disregards license plates from elsewhere.
Because of my trust and respect for you, I cannot simply disregard what you're saying, Anatoly.
"They all do it - they simply disregard the law," he said.
Some screens simply disregard all touches after the first one.
For most of the week, investors simply disregarded evidence that the British economy had been relatively healthy.
For a historical setting, players simply disregard the priestcraft and witchcraft rules.
Congress has mandated that these power plants stop polluting the air, and the administration can't simply disregard those legal provisions.
However, we must not let ourselves be talked into simply disregarding our carefully compiled accession criteria for that reason.