Tuvok had long ago learned that with humans one could not simply dispense information, especially when the answers carried so much emotional weight.
It is increasingly common to dispense with deeds of assignment in respect of endowment insurance policies and simply to have a notice of deposit.
The time had passed when a broker could spend his day simply dispensing market wisdom (mostly provided by his research department) and booking buy-and-sell orders.
She simply dispenses a different-colored band every day, before your first rollicking ride of the morning.
But Mr. Clifford and his law partner, Robert A. Altman, no longer simply dispense advice; they now seek it for themselves.
Another possibility would be to dispense with the test votes and simply vote to adjourn the trial.
For next summer's Mostly Mozart Festival maybe Louis Langrée, the music director, should simply dispense with the idea of giving the programs a thematic link.
One ballad simply dispenses with poetic invention and uses dummy lyrics ("This song should say . . .").
Rather than simply dispensing medication, pharmacists are increasingly expected to be compensated for their patient care skills.
By simply dispensing with them, Sleeper wants to assume away the very problem he seeks to solve.