If this does not work, simply dial "0" and ask the operator to connect you to the police or medical services.
To telephone between two regional French cities simply dial the eight-digit number.
This time, he looked forward to staying in Manhattan and simply dialing into the discussion.
Who wanted to go tramping around in some alien tomb when you could see the same display by simply dialing the television?
The truly savvy people know to simply dial *67 before they make their dubious call, which automatically blocks *69.
Why didn't the operator simply dial it for her?
Callers must simply dial 1 + 246 + seven digit phone number.
A user who wanted to place a call normally would simply dial the number.
How about seven charges at $5.39 each for calls I simply dialed.
Consumers either choose the click-to-call option or simply dial the number in the ad.