In the most common form, the crankshaft was fixed solidly to the airframe, and the propeller was simply bolted onto the front of the crankcase.
The track is simply bolted to the structure, which takes an insignificant amount of time compared to actually building the track.
Depending on the owner's needs, a safe may be wall-mounted, set into (and seemingly under) the floor or simply bolted to the ground.
The other part, concealed in the blackness surrounding the crash until now, was this: he had seen Duddits and had simply bolted, forgetting to look.
Shef had lost half his diggers in that moment; they had simply bolted into the night.
Redden Alt Mer took no time to explain, but simply bolted past him down the steps to the decking and forward to the mainmast.
The red metal fire door in back was open; maybe the Tachyon body had simply bolted.
King Haarahld should have reacted by at least shouting for the guards, assuming he hadn't simply bolted for the cabin, or even flung himself over the sternwalk to escape the apparition.
At the time of his disappearance, it was not clear whether Mr. Bissell had a strategy or whether he had simply bolted as the sentencing date approached.
Instead, the hatches were designed to be flush with the surface of the deck, and were simply bolted to the deck.