It was as if the hydrogues were simply attacking out of spite.
The Russian simply attacked the problem head-on and with blunt force.
It was a relatively old tree, so Remo simply attacked it with the hard edge of his hand.
In such a case, if our commanding officer believed there was a real danger from the submarine, we would simply attack first.
Bush simply attacks you with no apparent master plan, shooting away with his M16.
It is not adequate to simply attack commenters for giving an honest response .
"There has to be room for disagreement, but this administration tends to simply attack the messenger instead of discussing the message."
He thought it better to simply attack rather than wait for the correct moment when their foes were paralysed with fear.
She couldn't simply attack the Hero and force the issue, since he was nominally on her side and not an enemy.
The drake was simply attacking from a new direction.