These officials argue that the recent shipment was initiated some time ago and simply took long to transfer.
He is simply arguing that they were not on a very large scale, compared with many other massacres in history.
Republicans could simply argue that no felon should be allowed to remain president.
Others simply argue that Chicago should get one or more river boats into the water, and worry about related development later.
Instead of simply arguing the point, let them know that you can see they are upset.
The discussion should place the study's results in the context of larger issues, and not simply argue for the authors' conclusions.
She had them considering the proposal now, not simply arguing against it.
But she and the other defense lawyers made clear that they were not simply arguing the fine points of Federal civil rights law.
Others, however, argue simply that, like it or not, the word "fundamentalism" is here to stay.
Or he could simply argue that the amount of money the government takes from taxpayers to subsidize health care should be limited.