Many interesting points, though it is still a simplistic model.
Next to Antic's simplistic model, there suddenly appeared a vastly more sophisticated rendering.
Unfortunately, the simplistic models described above do not hold true for all organisms.
Yet, these studies are based on flawed assumptions and simplistic economic models that render them useless, even dangerous for policy making.
This somewhat simplistic model is now being questioned as underlined by the following facts:
To anyone who has been in a modern tank or warplane they look like toys, simplistic models for games angry children play.
Gravity acts, therefore, radially out from the center of the earth (really simplistic model here) and is constant along those radial lines.
Phillips deserves credit for laying out the alternatives, but his analysis is clouded by simplistic models of cyclical change.
And due to the relatively simplistic model, maintenance work that would arise in the future can be dealt with by the local technicians.
But it also means that a simplistic model of rage is no longer possible.