The simplicity of the musket design allowed it to fire a variety of ammunition.
The relative simplicity of this system allows receivers to be small and light, and has been widely used since the early 1970s.
The simplicity of the method allowed it to be taught to the existing workforce in the turpentine industry.
The simplicity of the decor allows the panoramic sea view to take centre stage.
Sometimes simplicity is best and allows the content to speak for itself.
The simplicity allows groups that have nothing else in common politically - that might even be opponents - to work together.
The simplicity allowed the architects to create a continuous space, one that would blur the interior with the exterior.
This simplicity has allowed compilers to fit onto very small machines.
However, the simplicity of the representation allows for many efficient operations to be performed on meshes.
Their simplicity allows individuals unfamiliar with conventional floor plans to understand difficult architectural concepts.