A simple timer surmounted the metal box.
Fitted with simple timers activated by seawater, the explosives would sink several feet before automatically detonating.
They are small and easily portable, can be fired from buildings or simple metal tripods or even fired with a simple timer.
He was shown how to transform the simple timer from a digital watch into a timer for a bomb.
With that done, he pressed the simple mechanical timer and walked away, back into the exhibition area, turning left to leave the building.
A simple timer could be used for this instead of buying the special pants alarm.
Every home has several, from the simple timer on a microwave oven up to a video game or home terminal.
Also, according to the Libyan story in the Independent, the detonator was just a simple timer - not a barometric pressure trigger.
It's a simple timer.
The most common is by a simple timer.