Passage tombs of the cairn type, often have elaborate corbelled roofs rather than simple slabs.
And once again he found himself on a stone platform; this time a simple slab in the middle of the mist of the Unformed areas.
Others were covered with simple concrete slabs in which the lettering had eroded to the point of illegibility.
The funerary urns were removed from the marble pavilion and were replaced by a simple slab around 1999.
Superlens was believed impossible until John Pendry showed in 2000 that a simple slab of left-handed material would do the job.
With the sand brushed from their surfaces, they were simple slabs of stone, albeit very smooth.
It was carved of granite, a simple slab.
If you wish to serve an appetizer, consider a simple slab of pate.
We asked directions twice but, at last, we stood by that simple slab of stone, breathing hard, pleased with ourselves.
His grave is marked by a simple black slab of granite and a large Honey locust tree.