She had decided to wear a simple full skirt and blouse, with a golden ribbon bowed at her throat.
She'd barely finished donning a simple skirt and shirtwaist when the bedroom door was pushed slowly open.
The skirt is a simple black A-line skirt, it can not have any slits and must cover below the knee, even when sitting down.
Funny, she hadn't thought the simple skirt and sweater that fetching.
Leave it to a woman to screech about a simple skirt and shirtwaist.
She had dressed in a simple skirt and top, minus her petticoats and shoes to make it easier to maneuver.
Brian looked down at the simple black skirt of her suit, the unadorned black pumps Eve wore.
The son, Charles Evans, had designed a simple skirt with a fly front that he thought would find a market among fashion-conscious women.
The sun starts to flood the hollow and here is a woman in a red cardigan and simple black skirt.
A simple, unadorned skirt and an altered blouse should not be beyond her sewing ability.