He came to enjoy simple pastimes, and sometimes seems to have thought that drinking local wine in a forest hut was the pinnacle of human achievement.
Friendship so entirely occupied our hearts, that, pleased with each other's company the simplest pastimes were sufficient to delight us.
Sorry enough stuff it is, no doubt, but perhaps of interest to those who care for these old simple pastimes of our country people.
Even so, such simple pastimes may not even hint at EyeToy's potential.
Then again, sometimes summer is about savoring a more relaxed time of year, when the pace of life slows down and simple pastimes take center stage.
He might be able to 'port himself anywhere on Earth but a simple pastime like riding a bicycle was not an option.
In an age when people spend hours on computers, both working and playing, some people seem to long for simpler pastimes.
It was a simple and common pastime - beach going - that came to be a part of how Australians thought of themselves.
Las Vegas, most of whose residents are Hispanic, has the hospitable appeal of a small town, attached to old customs and simple pastimes.
It's a cherished pastime so simple that it somehow feels exotic.