Nobody knew that the addition, which was prompted by simple spatial necessity, was going to turn out this way.
She spoke the words in a flat tone, not in anger or reproach, but simple necessity.
There was something powerfully wrong with a house that denied a man in his position the simple pleasure, the simple necessity, of a hot shower.
It had gone beyond the simple necessity to report the disaster and ask for assistance.
The simple necessities for doing business - such as electricity - are still in short supply.
Most relations were created out of simple necessity - the need for advice, help with building, renovations and so forth.
The hotter heads found this wanting; others, like my captains, knew the simple necessity behind it.
Cuomo administration officials describe the prison expansion in terms of simple necessity.
And it was soon made clear to me that their shopping, far from being a simple necessity, was very much a serious business.
Not because he wanted to be dirty, he just forgot simple necessities like that.