Dubin originally developed the book while a medical student, when he became frustrated with the lack of a simple introduction to the subject.
Alarm at his relentlessly seductive manner, for she suspected he had more in mind than a simple introduction to society.
The site also contains simple introductions to evolutionary concepts.
As the simple introduction of the food processor demonstrated, a single new appliance can create a sea change in the way people cook.
The simple introduction brought a light to eyes remarkably like her son's.
Harkness tables are a simple introduction to classrooms and, if you can get the classes small enough, make for a great education.
Afterward, she pulled out a sheet of paper printed with a simple introduction.
Some have met in pews, recognizing one another from newspaper photographs or with the simplest introduction: I lost my son, too.
People make simple introductions, discuss politics, identify their sexual proclivities.
She said something to me, a simple introduction, but all I could do was stare open-mouthed at her.