For simple cooking, head to a gostilna, a rustic, often family-owned inn.
Sea bass has such a good flavour that it requires only simple cooking.
The dish is a triumph of skillful, simple cooking.
He told me that the best cooking is always the simplest cooking.
They usually had a small stove, bedding and a couple of simple cooking implements.
Each segment focuses on regional specialties adapted for simple cooking on a grill.
But the lesser-known restaurants are of greater interest these days, where the trend is toward simpler cooking, with local ingredients.
He is a superb cook, and his simple, direct Italian cooking brings out the best in local ingredients.
The focus of the show is simple cooking, as the show's title suggests, and is directed at those who have little cooking skill or experience.
"We have a faithful old maid, but it's all she can manage just to do a little simple cooking."